May 2021

Business English Vocabulary – 5 Cool Ways to Learn

Business English refers to the enhancement of both vocabulary and communication skills in English. Learning Business English is an important tool to enhance one’s business or professional global competitiveness. 1 In order to learn business English you have to first learn English and then learn about business. It is important to have a wide business

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3 Ways to Improve Your Spoken English !!

The Internet has truly revolutionized the distribution of learning materials. In the last couple of years, podcasts as learning aids have become increasingly popular, either as a stand-alone mini-course or as an enhancement to courses and programs delivered through more traditional sources. Spend a few moments Googling “podcasts for learning,” and soon you will be

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Natural English Pronunciation and Accent Reduction!!

By Ola Zur  |   Submitted On May 27, 2021    Are you learning English as a second language? Do you sound, how to put this… less than natural while speaking? In other words, is your non-English accent too obvious? Well, it’s an old and known problem. Nevertheless, it is possible to do something about it. Let’s look

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5 Reasons Why Audio Books Are Better Than Paper Books

By Nick Moseley  |   Submitted On May 27, 2021    11 Audio books have gone crazy in popularity in the last couple of years. The technology involved, the number of titles published added to the realization of the benefits that audiobooks can offer have combined to bring them very much into the mainstream as a genuine alternative

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Developing English Reading Skills

Prepare yourself to Read  to increase your vocabulary and comprehension by deducing, examining, agreeing, criticizing, and evaluating by interacting with these free ebooks. Reading for pleasure simply means choosing a text that interests you and reading it without getting stressed about the grammar, vocabulary etc. By Lesley Rogan  |   Submitted On May 28th, 2021    ESL students often

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Treat Mom to Something Precious This Mother’s Day

Just mention the phrase “Mom,” and it’s likely to fire up recollections of love, warm temperature, and kindness. That’s why there may be a day dedicated simply to her, honoring all that she’s completed. Trying to decipher what she would like, however, may be a frightening mission. Experts agree, pronouncing there’s a awesome quantity of

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