Teaching English to ESL TIPS

Here are some tips and activities that can help you effectively teach English

Teaching English to ESL young

Teaching English to ESL young learners can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Here are some tips and activities that can help you effectively teach English to young learners:

  1. Use engaging activities: Young learners are naturally inclined to creative and interactive lessons. Incorporate activities that are fun and enjoyable while maintaining educational standards. Activities should encourage group participation and reinforce speaking skills[3].
  2. Role-play: Role-play is an excellent ESL activity for young learners. Set up role-playing scenarios that mimic real-life situations, such as ordering from a supermarket or traveling in a foreign country. Role-plays allow students to practice using English in a meaningful and interactive way, building confidence and language skills. As a teacher, be a facilitator, observe the activity, and provide guidance when needed[3].
  3. Pictionary: Pictionary is a vocabulary-building activity. Divide students into groups and provide them with a list of words. One student will draw a picture representing a word while others try to guess it. This activity helps students visualize and reinforce vocabulary learned in class. It is competitive, engaging, and fosters active participation[3].
  4. Hangman: Hangman is another vocabulary game that can be played on a whiteboard. Choose a word and draw lines representing each letter on the board. Students guess letters or the word itself, and for each incorrect guess, draw parts of the hangman. The objective is for students to guess the word before the hangman is fully drawn. This game encourages vocabulary recall and adds an element of excitement to the lesson[3].
  5. Word Bingo: Bingo is a classic game that works well in an ESL classroom. Create Word Bingo activities to enhance reading and listening skills. Provide students with bingo sheets containing words, and as you call out the words, they mark them on their sheets. This activity promotes focus and can be made more engaging by offering prizes for winning[3].

Additionally, you can explore teaching resources specifically designed for young learners. Oxford University Press offers teaching resources and learning materials for young learners that you can browse and download for extra practice activities[1][2].

Remember to adapt your teaching approach to suit the age, interests, and learning styles of your young learners. Keep the lessons engaging, interactive, and student-centered to foster a positive and effective learning environment.

Ultimately, you have to know how to teach English to foreign learners. There are different approaches to teaching learners of different levels, and all the more so if they are non-native English speakers. There are specific approaches that you have to do, and additional strategies that you need to learn. Some employers abroad even require their English instructors to have certificates in ESL and TOEFL, to make sure of their credibility as teachers of English to foreign students. Some employers may also require you to take an additional qualifying exam as part of their application process.

Resources for Teachers

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Resources for English teachers

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Webinars for teachers

Most teachers will agree that having a good relationship with their students really helps in all areas of teaching. Classroom discipline, classroom management, and general student performance can all be affected by the quality of the teacher-student relationship. But where to begin? How does one develop good working relationships with children?

Webinars for Teachers

The sounds of English are very important and can easily escape the untrained ear so phonics should be covered in-depth with both listening and speaking. Some students may have already studied grammar and spelling but know little or nothing about how to distinguish certain sounds. Cover vowels, consonants, and blends so that your student will not be afraid to learn and speak new or difficult words. Also writing, spelling, and reading should be covered but speaking should be the main emphasis if your target is English conversation.

Many of the skills ESL teachers have to teach adults are skills they have not acquired in their own language. Yet, teachers are required to do this in a second language. Many of the skills require a deep cognitive awareness which some students don’t have. Here are somebooks to help you solve that problem.

To teach English to kids, you can utilize various methods and techniques that are specifically designed to cater to their unique needs and interests. Here are some recommendations:

Teaching English for kids
  1. Easy English methodology: When teaching English to young children, it’s important to use an easier methodology that aligns with their attention span and learning abilities. Young children have shorter attention spans, so engaging and interactive activities are crucial. Incorporate games, songs, and creative activities that capture their interest and make learning fun. This helps them learn through play and keeps them motivated [1].
  2. Task-based approach: The task-based approach focuses on teaching English through real-life situations and tasks that students may encounter. Design activities and lessons around common scenarios like ordering a meal in a restaurant or booking a hotel room. By linking language learning to practical tasks, students can apply what they learn in meaningful contexts. Ensure the tasks are relevant to their goals and needs [1].
  3. Make it fun: Incorporating fun and interactive elements is essential when teaching English to children. Use games, songs, stories, and multimedia resources to create an engaging learning environment. Incorporate native content such as music videos, movie trailers, and stories that can be turned into personalized language lessons. Fun activities not only make learning enjoyable but also help children retain and apply the language [2].
  4. Use visual aids and props: Young children are attracted to colorful and visually appealing materials. Utilize flashcards, pictures, toys, dolls, costumes, and other visual aids to support language learning. These visual cues enhance comprehension and make learning more interactive and memorable [3].
  5. Encourage communication: Provide ample opportunities for children to communicate in English. Engage them in conversations, encourage them to ask questions, and create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. Model the target language by speaking English during activities, describing actions, and showing interest in their ideas. This helps children develop their speaking and listening skills [3].
  6. Incorporate repetition and reinforcement: Young children benefit from repetition and reinforcement. Review previously taught vocabulary and language structures regularly through games, songs, and activities. Encourage them to use the language in different contexts to reinforce their understanding and retention [2].
  7. Create a positive and supportive learning environment: Foster a positive and supportive atmosphere where children feel comfortable making mistakes and taking risks. Praise their efforts and provide constructive feedback. Celebrate their achievements and progress to boost their confidence and motivation [3].

Remember, every child is unique, so adapt your teaching methods to suit their individual needs and learning styles. Making English learning enjoyable and relevant to their lives will enhance their language acquisition and overall language skills.

When teaching English to adults, it is important to provide practical and useful language that can help them in their everyday lives and advance them toward their goals of English fluency. Here are some tips and resources to help you teach English to adults effectively:

Teaching English to adults,
  1. Use practical materials: Look for resources that offer practical lesson plans and activities specifically designed for teaching adults. Websites like TeachingEnglish.org.uk[1] and Oxford University Press’s Teaching Resources[2] provide a wide range of practical materials, including full lesson plans, shorter activities, and downloadable articles that cover different topics and themes. These resources are organized according to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and are written by experts in English Language Teaching.
  2. Focus on survival English: Adults often need to learn functional survival English, which includes vocabulary and phrases necessary for everyday interactions and professional success. Consider teaching them how to shop for groceries, greet friends and colleagues, or handle everyday tasks they may encounter in an English-speaking country. Practicality should be at the forefront of your lesson plans, ensuring that students can use their new vocabulary and skills in real-life situations[3].
  3. Connect with your students: Take the time to get to know your adult students personally. Show genuine interest in their lives, such as their family, hobbies, and experiences. Making real connections with your students helps create a comfortable and supportive learning environment, where they feel safe to speak and make mistakes[3].
  4. Create a comfortable environment: Adults may be more reserved when it comes to trying new words or speaking up in the classroom. Encourage participation by creating a safe and supportive atmosphere. Provide positive reinforcement and avoid criticizing errors. When students feel comfortable, they are more likely to speak and participate actively[3].
  5. Use authentic materials: Incorporate real-world English into your lessons by using authentic materials such as videos, news articles, and podcasts. FluentU[3] is a platform that offers authentic videos with interactive subtitles and tools for practicing vocabulary and grammar. By exposing students to real-life English usage, they can become more familiar with the language before trying it out themselves.
  6. Consider their language background: If you have students from a particular language background, consider learning a bit of their language. This can help you understand their challenges and better address their specific needs. It also shows your willingness to empathize with their language learning journey[3].

Remember, teaching adults can be a great privilege, and by providing practical and engaging lessons, you can help them achieve their goals of English fluency.

References: [1] Teaching Adults – TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/teaching-resources/teaching-adults [2] Teaching Adults | Teaching Resources | Oxford University Press. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://elt.oup.com/teachersclub/courses/teachingadults/ [3] 3 Practical ESL Lesson Plans to Teach Adults Must-know Survival English. (2021, February 10). Retrieved from https://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator-english/esl-lesson-plans-for-adults/

As an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, having the right resources and books can significantly contribute to your success in the classroom. Here are some top books that can help ESL English teachers succeed:

the right resources and books can significantly contribute to your success in the classroom

As an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, having the right resources and books can significantly contribute to your success in the classroom. Here are some top books that can help ESL English teachers succeed:

  1. Let’s Go (Author: Ritsuko Nakata, Karen Frazier, Barbara Hoskins & Carolyn Graham): This book is designed for children who are just starting to learn English. It comes with engaging visuals and audio to make learning fun for kids in the K-6 group. The book aims to have students speaking and participating in conversations, with reading and writing exercises to boost their confidence. It also provides additional online resources, such as an online dictionary and downloadable extras like coloring pages and videos.[1]
  2. Oxford Discover (Author: Lesley Koustaff & Susan Rivers): This six-book series offers a compelling way to teach English to children. It covers concepts in a concise manner and includes information about the world outside the classroom, like the environment and modern technology, to engage young learners. The teacher’s pack provides valuable resources like a teaching guidebook, audio CDs, and visual materials to aid the teaching process.[1]
  3. Oxford Picture Dictionary for Kids (Author: Joan Ross Keyes): This vocabulary building book is designed for young learners and introduces them to over 700 words in a fun and easy way. It is based on K-12 curriculum and aims to expand students’ vocabulary effectively.[1]
  4. The Ultimate ESL Teaching Manual (Author: Andromeda James): This comprehensive ESL book is an excellent resource for both aspiring and established teachers. It provides in-depth explanations and practical examples for various aspects of teaching English, including classroom management, lesson planning, and engaging speaking activities. The book is designed to help teachers start teaching right away without hours of prep.[3]
  5. ESL Worksheets and Activities for Kids (Author: Miryung Pitt): This book is specially crafted for teachers who tutor kids and kindergarteners in ESL. It contains numerous activities and worksheets covering fundamental topics such as shapes, numbers, family, weather, and animals. The worksheets are designed to be copied or printed for ease of use.[3]
  6. Reading, Writing and Learning in ESL (Authors: Suzanne Peregoy and Owen Boyle): This K-12 resource book provides detailed suggestions, instructions, and solutions aimed at motivating and engaging English learners. It covers oral language, reading, and writing skills, and the updated version incorporates the use of the Internet to promote newer learning and teaching strategies.[3]
  7. ESL Intermediate/Advanced Grammar (Author: Mary Allen Munoz): This book is designed for non-native speakers at intermediate and advanced high school education levels. It focuses on improving ESL skills in grammar, compositions, and comprehensions. The book offers simple grammatical explanations, test-attempting methods, and skill-building question and answer keys.[3]
  8. English Made Easy Volume 1: This book creatively combines pictures and text to provide learners with an early exposure to English vocabulary, grammar, and functions. It is designed to make the English language elementary even for beginners.[[3](https://
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