Video Lessons

Improving phone conversion is about much more than just sales scripts. Having the right sales scripts will give you an edge, but combining that skill with mastering stop statements, getting to the point quickly, and making it easy on your prospects will have you generating massive sales daily.

Discover how you can get the edge with your phone conversion today with this video!

Irregular verbs are a special type of verbs that do not follow the usual pattern when they are used in past tenses. These verbs don’t get usual -ed in simple past and past participle but form other types of verbs. In English, there are about 370 irregular verbs, and the easiest way to learn all the forms is to learn them in groups.

A lot of verbs are the same in all three forms for example bet, burst, hurt, put, and others. That means that we can learn just the infinitive and use it in all three forms for example. At present: I always bet on my team. In the past simple: I bet on my team a while ago. Or we can also use it as past participle for example I had bet on my team before I changed my mind.

The other group of verbs is really big. A lot of verbs have the exact same simple past and past participle like bring (brought, brought), feel (felt, felt), get (got, got), sell (sold, sold), and so on.

There are also some rare examples of the verbs with the same infinitive and simple past, but different past participle, like beat (beat, beaten) and somewhere infinitive and past participle are the same like becoming (became, become), come(came, come) and run (ran, run).

And of course, the last group where none of the forms match, verbs like being (was/were, been), eat (ate, eaten), fall (fell, fallen), and others. Once you master all 3 forms and of course translation to your native language.

What is a pronoun?

There are many different kinds of pronouns. Pronouns are usually short words that replace nouns.

The word pronoun (pro-noun) is made up of two parts, pro and noun. The part of the word “pro” helps us understand that a pronoun stands for a noun, just as a pro-labor politician stands for labor. The fancy grammatical way to say this is that the pronoun refers to its antecedent.

First, let’s learn the word antecedent. An antecedent is the word which the pronoun represents or refers to. For example, John, who lives on Main Street, plays the piano. In this example, John is the antecedent of the pronoun who.

  • Holding her dog, Maria ran up the stairs. She went straight to the counter and bought a bone.

A subordinating conjunction is a word or word that links an established clause to an unbiased clause. This word or word indicates that a clause has an informative cost to add to the sentence’s major idea, signaling a motive-and-impact relationship or a shift in time and region between the two clauses.

If you are writing a college essay, resume or cover letter, you will benefit from this grammar tip on structuring sentences using correlative conjunctions. A correlative conjunction is a conjunction used with another conjunction that is necessary to complete the thought.

“Both/and” is a popular correlative conjunction pair. (Other common examples are either/or and not only/but also.) The word “both,” when used as a correlative conjunction, is always paired with the word “and.” For example, “I like both John and his dad.”

Adverb A word is called an adverb when it is used to tell how something is done, or where it is done, or when. An adverb is one of the parts of speech. A part of speech is a kind of word that has a par­ticular duty when you say it or write it. These are the duties of the adverb: If you say, “The choir sings,” you tell what the choir does. If you say, “The choir sings clearly,” you tell how the choir does it. The word clearly is an ad­verb that tells how. In the sentence “I saw John yesterday,” yesterday is an ad­verb that tells when; in the sentence, “I see him there,” there is an adverb that tells where. When a word adds to the meaning of another word, it is said to modify it; in the sentence “The choir sings clearly,” clearly adds to the meaning of sings. In this case, the adverb clearly modifies the verb sings. An adverb may modify a verb, or an adjective, or another adverb. If you say, “It is a very clear day,” very is an adverb that modifies (adds to the meaning of) the adjective clear. If you say, “The choir sings very clearly,” the adverb very modifies another adverb, clearly. In the English language, most adverbs end with -ly. In fact, you can form an adverb from almost any adjective by adding -ly to the adjective, as in the case of clear and clearly. However, there are many adverbs that do not end in -ly.

The present simple is one of the first tenses that is taught to language learners when they study the English language. The reason for this is that it is probably the easiest of all tenses to understand. English grammar is notorious for its complexity and this article will outline the uses of the present simple in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.

Basically, the present simple is used to talk about habits, repeated actions, facts, feelings, opinions, states of mind, timetables, and schedules.

The Present Continuous is used only with actions that come under your control. Similar is the case with verbs that denote a state and not action. Have denoted possession or relationship. It speaks about no action. Therefore the sentence He is not having any problems is considered non-standard.

So next time when you use the Present Continuous, pause for a while and find out if you have got that sentence correct. This advice is for learners of English as a second language.

The past simple tense is one that many English learners have difficulty with. The number of irregular verbs can be daunting and the three different sounds of irregular verbs cause problems. But there are some great ways that you can practise this tense.

With the rules for regular verbs being quite straightforward, problems with the past simple tense arise with pronunciation. The three different sounds follow rules but ones that are not easy to remember and apply. The three different sounds are: /t/, /d/ and /id. The easiest rule of the three is the last one and the other two need practice. Instead of memorizing and applying the different rules, it is easier and more efficient to take some of the most common examples of each sound and repeat them over again. You will become more accustomed to the preceding sounds and will start to automatically know which sound ending to use.

We really like sentences that start with the conjunctions “and,” “but,” and “or.” But we don’t like the way most writers do it. Every time you write a sentence that begins with these words, you create a sentence fragment, which is against the rules. However, breaking this rule for the right reason can make your writing more powerful. (Breaking the rules by accident usually results in poor writing.) Actually, you can create fragments with conjunctions in several ways. First let’s look at the rules for using conjunctions, and then let’s consider when it might be useful to break them.

The most common verbs we use to report what someone says are “say” and “tell”. These are the verbs which students learn first when they learn reported speech. These are fine, of course, but there will come a time in your students’ learning when they want to use other verbs to more accurately report what someone says.

We use many different reporting verbs in English, and the way we use them in a sentence varies, for example:

Verb + gerund: James denied taking the money.

Verb + preposition + gerund: They apologized for arriving late.

Verb + infinitive: Susan promised to work hard.

Without adjectives our speaking and writing is caveman-like. We need adjectives for at least two reasons: to add more information about the things we are talking about, and to make our writing, not only more informative, but also more interesting. In the words of the grammar books, adjectives “modify” nouns. It is better to say the “red car”, than just the “car” if we are trying to tell someone about it. This article discusses the adjectives that show possession, those that point something out, those that are made from verbs, and other important points. The role of the adjective in English. Some common errors in cases where the English adjective differs from that of other languages.

Improve your vocabulary and the way you speak by learning these English adjectives! Adjectives are words that modify nouns by describing a particular quality of something. In this lesson, you will learn a lot of useful vocabulary that will allow you to describe people. It’s a good idea to learn many adjectives, even adjectives that are similar in meaning. Synonyms help you express yourself in a more accurate, precise, and interesting way. For example, if someone is tall and thin, you could say that person i

Learn vocabulary such as “arteries”, “diaphragm”, “bladder”, and yes, even “anus” and “poo”. You will get a full anatomy lesson as well as a very important vocabulary lesson. If you are going to be travelling or living in an English-speaking country, you need to be able to talk about your body and your health. It could mean the difference between life and death. In this lesson, we will look at the body’s vital internal organs and major systems that keep you alive and well. You will get a full anatomy lesson

Ready to master the most used tense in English conversations? In this easy grammar lesson you’ll learn to ask questions in the past simple tense. We use this tense more than others because when we have a conversation or tell a story, we are usually talking about something that happened in the past. Unfortunately, many English learners make simple mistakes when they ask questions in the past simple tense. Watch this video for a clear explanation of all the rules you need to follow. Then we’ll do some exercise

What will you be doing later tonight? Do you know how to answer that question? In this lesson, you will learn to talk about future plans using the future progressive/continuous tense. This is useful in situations where you want to ask questions about the future. For example, “What will you be doing Saturday night” is a subtle way to ask that special someone out on a date! Watch this important lesson, and do my quiz to see if you understood the material. You will be glad you did.

In this lesson, you’ll learn different ways to write easy but effective introductions to your essays. You don’t need to be imaginative with your introduction — all you need to do is follow the structure I give you. For most people, the hardest part of writing an essay is beginning. Stop being nervous and get a high score in your English exam by learning my simple structure for a good introduction. As a bonus, you’ll also learn some useful phrases you can memorise and use in your IELTS and CAE essays.

Are you stuck when you have to introduce yourself? Do you avoid introducing people because you don’t know how? Don’t be afraid anymore! Watch this lesson and learn what to say and do! Develop your confidence to be more successful in personal and professional life. Take the quiz on this lesson here:

Reported Speech!

What is the reported speech lesson?
What is reported speech? Reported speech is while you inform any individual else what you or a person said before. A distinction must be made between direct speech and reported speech.

Tag questions!

A tag question is a short question (eg have you? / haven’t you?) that follows a statement:
2 Normally we use a positive question tag with a negative sentence: And normally we use a negative question tag with a positive sentence:
3 How do we form QUESTION TAGS? a) Auxiliaries like be, have, can, may, must, should, etc used in the statement

Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice: When you are active, you do something. When you are passive, things happen to you. This is the same concept as the active and passive voice in sentences. In the active voice, the subject performs the action described by the main verb. In the passive voice, the action described by the main verb is done to the subject.


ZERO CONDITIONAL is a structure used for talking about general truths — things which always happen under certain conditions (note that most zero conditional sentences will mean the same thing if “when” is used instead of “if”). The zero conditional is used to talk about things which are always true — scientific facts, general truths, and so on.

1st CONDITIONAL is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future. The first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the future — things which may happen.

2nd CONDITIONAL is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. The second conditional is used to talk about things which are unreal (not true or not possible) in the present or the future — things which don’t or won’t happen.

3rd CONDITIONAL is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the past. The third conditional is used to talk about things which DID NOT HAPPEN in the past. If your native language does not have a similar construction, you may find this a little strange, but it can be very useful. It is often used to express criticism or regret.

Past Modal

Could haveshould havewould have. These past modal verbs are all used hypothetically, to talk about things that didn’t really happen in the past.

Travel Vocabulary

Try to learn a few practical phrases and some basic vocabulary before you travel. Not only does this make life so much easier when you get there (if you know how to bargain, find the toilet, order a meal, ask for directions etc) but you will usually find the locals will respond more positively towards you. The fact that you have actually tried to speak their language will endear you to your hosts and may even get you better discounts and preferential treatment. Don’t worry about making mistakes, that’s all part of the fun and essentially how we improve.

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) – NEW!
The adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous hotel from the fictional Republic of Zubrowka between the first and second World Wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend.Autoplay

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