learn English with movies

popcorn, movie, pop

Re-watch your favorite films, and replay your favorite scenes. The more you re-watch, the more you can focus on the speech because you already know what is happening in every scene. Instead of focusing on what is happening, you can give more attention to what you hear. If you don’t have time to re-watch the movie, then listen to the film audio. You can rip audio from films, save them as Mp3 files, and play them while doing other things. Also, mimic the way the actors say the lines by repeating them. You can look at the transcripts while doing so


Here are 10 films that can help you learn English:

  1. Forrest Gump: This film features clear and easy-to-understand dialogue, narrated by the main character with a Southern American accent.
  2. Harry Potter series: The first two movies in the Harry Potter franchise are suitable for English learners as they have slower dialogue and are based on a popular story that many people are already familiar with.
  3. When Harry Met Sally: A classic romantic comedy that provides ample dialogue to practice your listening skills and exposes you to iconic phrases from American culture.
  4. Four Weddings and a Funeral: This film offers a mix of British and American accents, making it an excellent choice for learning about different English-speaking cultures.
  5. Little Women: With clear dialogue and a captivating storyline set during the American Civil War, this movie is ideal for language learners interested in American history.
  6. The Great Gatsby: This modern adaptation of the classic American novel provides insight into 1920s America and features slow and somber dialogue, accompanied by a remarkable soundtrack.
  7. The Social Network: A captivating movie that explores the story behind the world’s most popular social media channel, it offers opportunities to practice legal and technical vocabulary.
  8. Juno: This hilarious and endearing independent film is easy to understand and can serve as a great conversation starter for English classes.
  9. The Imitation Game: Based on a true story, this movie presents the moving account of an English war-hero and offers learners an opportunity to explore British history and practice the “Queen’s English” accent.
  10. Frozen: Although it is a children’s movie, Frozen is simple to understand and can be a great starting point for beginners learning English.

Remember, when watching movies to learn English, consider using English subtitles, choosing shorter films to avoid feeling overwhelmed, and avoiding the temptation to pause and look up words constantly, as it can hinder your enjoyment of the movie.[1]

To learn English from the movie “Forrest Gump,” you can follow these steps:

  1. Watch the movie with English subtitles: Start by watching the movie with English subtitles. This will help you understand the dialogue and improve your listening skills. You can find English subtitles for “Forrest Gump” on various subtitle websites or through media players like VLC.
  2. Pay attention to the dialogue: Listen carefully to the dialogue and try to identify new words, phrases, and expressions. Note them down and look up their meanings later. “Forrest Gump” features clear and easy-to-understand dialogue, narrated by the main character with a Southern American accent, which can help you get familiar with different accents.
  3. Repeat and imitate: After watching certain scenes, try to repeat the dialogue out loud and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the actors. This will help improve your speaking skills and develop a better understanding of natural English rhythm and pronunciation.
  4. Analyze and discuss the movie: Take time to analyze the movie’s themes, characters, and plot. Discuss it with other English learners or native speakers to practice your speaking skills and gain different perspectives.
  5. Take notes and review: While watching the movie, take notes of any new vocabulary, phrases, or cultural references. Review these notes regularly to reinforce your learning and expand your English vocabulary.
  6. Use the movie as a conversation starter: “Forrest Gump” touches on various topics such as friendship, love, war, and societal changes. Use these themes as conversation starters with other English learners or native speakers. Discuss your thoughts and opinions on the movie’s themes, characters, or events.
  7. Dive deeper into American culture: “Forrest Gump” provides insights into American history and culture. Take the opportunity to learn more about the historical events mentioned in the movie, such as the Vietnam War or the civil rights movement. This will enhance your understanding of American culture and provide context for the movie.

Remember, learning English from movies is a supplement to formal language learning. It’s important to combine it with other language learning activities like studying grammar, practicing speaking with native speakers, and reading in English to have a well-rounded language learning experience. Enjoy watching “Forrest Gump” and have fun while learning English!

To learn English from the movie “When Harry Met Sally,” you can follow these steps:

  1. Watch the movie with English subtitles: Start by watching the movie with English subtitles to help you understand the dialogue and improve your listening skills. Pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation, and expressions used by the characters.
  2. Take notes of vocabulary and phrases: While watching the movie, make a note of any unfamiliar words, phrases, or idioms that you come across. Look up their meanings and try to use them in your own sentences to reinforce your understanding and expand your vocabulary.
  3. Analyze dialogues and conversations: “When Harry Met Sally” has many memorable quotes and conversations that you can analyze to learn English. Take note of the different speaking styles, humor, and emotions portrayed in the dialogues. You can find some of the best quotes from the movie in the following sources:
  • ET Online provides a list of 25 favorite quotes from the movie, including Harry’s epic declaration of love, Sally’s thoughts on faking orgasms, and other memorable lines from the characters.
  • Tribeca Film presents 10 memorable quotes from the movie, such as Harry’s dark side, Sally’s specific ordering preferences, and humorous exchanges between the characters.
  • Screenrant offers a list of timeless and relatable quotes from the movie, including Sally’s thoughts on faking orgasms, Harry’s impulsive speaking, the perks of female friendship, and the central question of whether men and women can be friends.
  1. Practice speaking and imitate the actors: After watching the movie and familiarizing yourself with the dialogues, practice speaking by imitating the actors’ lines. Pay attention to their pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. Practice these lines aloud to improve your spoken English skills.
  2. Discuss the movie with others: Engage in discussions about the movie with friends or language partners who have also watched it. Share your thoughts on the characters, plot, and themes, and practice expressing your opinions and ideas in English.
  3. Use movie-related resources: Look for additional resources related to “When Harry Met Sally” that can help you further improve your English. You can find movie reviews, analyses, and discussions online. You may also find study guides or language learning materials specifically designed for this movie.

Remember, learning English from movies is just one aspect of language learning. It’s important to complement it with other activities such as reading, writing, and speaking practice to develop a well-rounded understanding of the language.

To learn English from the movie “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” you can follow these steps:

  1. Watch the Movie: Start by watching the movie itself. “Four Weddings and a Funeral” is a British romantic comedy film directed by Mike Newell, featuring Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell, and Kristin Scott Thomas [1]. Watching the film will expose you to authentic English dialogue, accents, and cultural references.
  2. Use a Viewing Guide: There is an extensive viewing guide available for English language students who want to learn English through watching the film . This guide can help you improve your English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation, and speaking skills. It includes viewing recommendations, a film synopsis with a glossary, pre-viewing discussion questions, a glossary of words, phrasal verbs, and expressions used in the film, post-viewing discussion questions, and writing and videoing tasks .
  3. Practice Vocabulary: While watching the movie or using the viewing guide, pay attention to new vocabulary words, expressions, and idioms. Make a list of these words and their meanings. You can use online dictionaries or language learning apps to find definitions, example sentences, and pronunciation guides.
  4. Repeat and Shadow: To improve your pronunciation and speaking skills, repeat and shadow the dialogues and speeches from the movie. Pay attention to the actors’ intonation, rhythm, and emphasis. Practice speaking along with them to develop your oral skills.
  5. Discuss the Movie: Engage in discussions about the movie with English-speaking friends or language exchange partners. Talk about the characters, plot, and your impressions of the film. This will provide an opportunity to practice your speaking and listening skills while sharing your thoughts and opinions.
  6. Complete Post-Viewing Tasks: The viewing guide mentioned earlier also includes post-viewing discussion questions, writing tasks, and videoing tasks . Take advantage of these tasks to further practice your English skills. Write short essays or record yourself speaking about the movie, its themes, and your favorite scenes.

By following these steps and immersing yourself in the language and content of the movie “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” you can enhance your English language skills while enjoying a classic romantic comedy.


  1. Wikipedia: Four Weddings and a Funeral
  2. Film-English: Four Weddings and a Funeral

To learn English from the movie “Little Women,” you can follow these steps:

  1. Read the novel: Before watching the movie, it is highly recommended to read the novel “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott. The movie adaptations can provide visual context, but the novel will offer a more comprehensive understanding of the story and language used. The novel can help you improve your vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills.
  2. Watch the movie with subtitles: Once you have read the novel or while reading it, you can watch the movie adaptation of “Little Women.” Watching with subtitles in English will help you connect spoken words with their written forms, improve your listening skills, and enhance your understanding of the dialogues.
  3. Analyze dialogues and expressions: Pay attention to the dialogues and expressions used by the characters in the movie. Note down any unfamiliar words or phrases and try to understand their meanings from the context. You can also explore online resources, such as English dictionaries or language learning websites, to expand your vocabulary.
  4. Practice speaking and pronunciation: Use the dialogues from the movie as practice material for speaking and pronunciation exercises. Repeat the lines spoken by the characters, imitate their intonation, and focus on correct pronunciation. You can record yourself and compare your pronunciation with the original actors’ voices to improve your spoken English.
  5. Discuss the themes and lessons: “Little Women” explores various themes and life lessons. Engage in discussions about these topics to improve your English speaking and comprehension skills. Reflect on the characters’ actions, their relationships, and the challenges they face. You can join English language forums or find study groups to discuss the movie and share your insights.
  6. Additional resources: Supplement your learning with additional resources related to “Little Women.” Websites like TeachWithMovies.org provide movie worksheets and student handouts[2]. You can also explore articles and reviews about the movie or the novel to gain different perspectives and deepen your understanding of the story[3].

To learn English with the movie “The Great Gatsby,” you can follow these steps:

  1. Use an extensive viewing guide: There is an 80-page extensive viewing guide available for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide includes viewing recommendations, a film synopsis with a glossary, pre-viewing discussion questions, a glossary of 400 words, phrasal verbs, and expressions used in the film with phonetic spelling and example sentences, post-viewing discussion questions, and post-viewing writing and videoing tasks. This guide can help improve your English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation, and speaking skills. You can access the guide at the Film English Club website .
  2. Supplement your reading: If you are reading the novel “The Great Gatsby” alongside the movie, you can use the movie as a supplement to your reading. The movies based on the novel may not capture all the details and nuances of the written work, but they can still provide visual interpretations of the story. Keep in mind that the dialogue and narration might have been modified for the screen adaptation .
  3. Watch the movie with subtitles: Watching the movie with English subtitles can help you improve your comprehension skills and follow the dialogue more effectively. You can start by watching the movie with subtitles in your native language and then gradually switch to English subtitles as you become more comfortable with the language.
  4. Focus on specific language aspects: While watching the movie, pay attention to specific language aspects such as vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and pronunciation. Note down any unfamiliar words or phrases and look them up in a dictionary. You can also use a vocabulary guide specifically designed for “The Great Gatsby” to further enhance your understanding of the language used in the movie .
  5. Discuss and analyze the movie: Engage in post-viewing discussions or writing tasks related to the movie. This will not only improve your speaking and writing skills but also provide an opportunity to reflect on the themes, characters, and events depicted in the film.

Remember that learning English through movies is a complementary approach, and it’s important to combine it with other language learning activities like reading, speaking, and writing in order to develop a well-rounded language proficiency. Enjoy the movie and have fun learning English!

To learn English from the movie “The Social Network,” you can follow these steps:

  1. Utilize an extensive viewing guide: There is a 32-page extensive viewing guide available for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. This guide provides viewing recommendations, a film synopsis with a glossary, pre-viewing discussion questions, a glossary of key words, phrasal verbs, and expressions used in the film with phonetic spelling and example sentences, as well as post-viewing discussion questions and writing tasks. The guide is designed to help improve your English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation, and speaking skills. You can access the guide at the Film English Club website [1].
  2. Watch the movie with subtitles: Watching the movie with English subtitles can enhance your comprehension skills and help you follow the dialogue more effectively. Begin by watching the movie with subtitles in your native language, and as your English proficiency improves, switch to English subtitles.
  3. Focus on specific language aspects: Pay attention to specific language aspects while watching the movie, such as vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and pronunciation. Take note of any unfamiliar words or phrases and look them up in a dictionary. The glossary provided in the viewing guide can be a helpful resource for understanding the language used in the film.
  4. Engage in discussions and writing tasks: After watching the movie, engage in post-viewing discussions and writing tasks related to the film. This will allow you to practice expressing your thoughts and ideas in English and deepen your understanding of the themes and content of the movie.

Remember to complement your learning from the movie with other language learning activities, such as reading, speaking, and writing, to develop a well-rounded proficiency in English. Enjoy watching “The Social Network” and have fun learning English!

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