Broadcasts helps you to utilize an unlimited number of resources in different fields which will make  you become an autonomous learner. As podcasts consist of audio and video files, they constitute an invaluable tool that contributes to the development of listening and pronunciation skills with original speech, dialogues.

 Appeals to digital natives
 Omnipresent-no time and place     restriction
 Enhances learner autonomy
 Both online and offline
 Contributes to the development of     listening and pronunciation skills
 Also supports other language skills
 Limitless resources
 Authentic (native use of language)
 Involves both teacher and student 

microphones, radio, sound

Top Proadcast you should visit

newspaper, news, design
wnycstudios pod cast
scientificamerican podcast
NPR Podcast
Nerdist Podcast
Stuff you should know
radio, vintage, listen
Radio Tunein
microphone, mic, vocal
BBC Radio
Voa News Radio
music, headphones, wireless headphones
RT Radio
teenager, girl, woman
Radio Net
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